Hawaii {Ka’ena Point State Park}

I was blessed enough to join Sherri, Bert, Bella, Chloe, and Christian in this majestic place in Oahu, Hawaii. So blessed that I stuffed my eyes with all this beauty…even if it was only for a few hours.

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This was the last photo before I fell, my right foot hit a rock (dislocated my toe), and my camera swam in the ocean and experienced major water damage! I wish I had more time to go out in the water but I had to be thankful for the time I had. RIP my beloved Canon 5D Markii.



Being with Christian and Chloe in Hawaii is such a dream! Having fun with them and taking photos of them is therapeutic for my momma’s heart. Love these two so much and they are definitely a match made in heaven!

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Will you come travel with me? Shall we stick by each other as long as we live? ~ Walt Whitman


Hawaii {Maunalaha Trail}

Get outside and be astounded regularly by God’s creation. There are so may facets of Him and He reveals Himself and heals you through nature. I will never forget this hike with my daughter (Chloe) and son-in-law (Christian)…in HAWAII. It was almost a four mile hike and most of it felt like the jungle. We even picked a wild fruit to eat and I found several streams of clean water to wash my face. It was one of the coolest things I’ve ever done.

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“The very best and highness attainment in this life is to remain still and let God act and speak in you.”


TWOREK {Maternity}

I enjoy maternity sessions so much because of the mystery and wonder of it all; it is truly a miracle from God. As the sun was setting, it was so magical being with Kim and Ken. I cannot wait to see them again and meet their little bebe next month! :)

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