Heather Bonga {Senior}

This was technically Heather’s senior photo session, but her boyfriend, Tommy, came along and I ended up with a bunch of sweet photos of the two of them! Wasn’t sure how I was going to categorize the album, but decided not to stress myself out at all and make it one big CELEBRATION! How about if we celebrate Heather graduating from high school? Celebrating the beautiful weather that is finally here at The Morton Arboretum?! And last but not least, celebrating Love and Friendship. Yeah, I’m totally okay with all that! :)

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“You are the most beautiful when you speak from your heart.”


Lily + Liam {3 Years}

I am so touched that I get to photograph these two precious little souls since they were tiny little babies. I met them and their mom at a Starbucks in Wheaton when they were sleeping in their car seats at two months…and the rest is history! From the beginning I fell in love and my heart connection with them has truly been supernatural. I photographed them at one year, two, and now THREE! Happy Birthday to the cutest twins on the planet!

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“Go through life like a child, always trusting, always full of simplicity and humility, content with everything and happy in all circumstances.” ~ E. Nalzaro


Goodbye Winter

Can’t believe I’m saying goodbye to winter! Thank God for the beautiful Morton Arboretum  where I walked almost every day. There’s nothing like nature. Learning to embrace the seasons and love each one fully. God does all things well.

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The pine stays green in winter…wisdom in hardship. ~ Norman Douglas