S A Y D E E {Bodega Bay, CA}

I love this California beauty like she is one of my daughters. I had an opportunity to visit Bodega Bay with Saydee and I will never forget the experience. I can search all of California and would never be able to find a girl more kind, compassionate, talented…and beautiful.IMG_6571IMG_6584 20150401_MP_0100

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Winter Is Still Here in Chicago!

I can’t believe I’m bringing you snow and ice just a few days after the official day of spring, but this is Chicago and being unpredictable is what we’re all about! :) Too cold for my liking for this time of year, but it is so pretty.

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“Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in.”


E d i t i n g

I love to photograph to tell an honest story, but that doesn’t mean I won’t eliminate what might be in the photo that will distract and not add to how I want the photo to feel. And the business of WHAT to add or eliminate, and HOW MUCH,  might differentiate me from all the other photographers out there. When it comes to hiring a photographer, there’s a whole lot more than money! You need to know something about what the photographer sees as beautiful or necessary. :)



“If the photographer is interested in the people in front of her lens, and if she is compassionate, it’s already a lot. The instrument is not the camera but the photographer.”