Sometimes editing is just as fun as shooting.
Little Lottie at ten months…


“Beauty can be seen in all things. Seeing and composing the beauty is what separates the snapshot from the photograph.” ~ Matt Hardy


L O T T I E {7 Months}

I’ve been photographing this precious face every month since the day she was born! So excited that at SEVEN months, Lottie is solidly SITTING!! Obviously we celebrated by taking lots of pictures! Such a beautiful little soul. I just love her!

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L O T T I E {6 Months}

Been doing a photo project where I’m capturing some photos of Lottie every month since the day of her birth! Six months and not yet sitting so I’m just gonna do a close-up. This is a special one because Lottie is wearing her great-grandmother’s dress and her mom’s wedding pearls. There are photos that my clients have to have a color AND black and white…

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“Simplicity is the glory of expression.” ~ Walt Whitman


Lexie {One}

Lexie has been WELL documented by me! Even before she was born, I did maternity portraits with her mom twice… once at The Morton Arboretum on a rainy day, and the second time at beautiful sunset at Herrick Lake near the water! We did gorgeous newborn photos of her at about 10 days old, six months, and this makes one year! WHEW! As a baby, Lexie was an easy going baby who loved to be held and would go to about anybody, but being a baby of four children, her personality is evolving into this super independent and spunky little one who will not back down; some of her siblings call her “the monster”! Imagine that! LOL Well, I love her and she cracks me up…especially when she acts a little naughty. This is probably one of the most profound blog post I have ever done showing us the delicate stage Lexie is between crawling and walking…and I’m super impressed with myself that I was able to capture the true personality of Lexie being all over the place where she goes from laughing to crying in one second! :) The true making of an actress if you ask me! Super dramatic, super cute…and FULL OF LOVE!

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When fake crying is SO ADORABLE! And I love how sisters are not one bit concerned…like they are amused with her tears! Happy Birthday, Lexie girl! We LOVE you!